With FREE Lockly app
If you are using the Lockly app, you can issue up to 3 eBadges per month.
If you have a Smart Safe, Ingress or Vision Ingress, you can issue up to 35 eBadges per month depending on your available user limits.
If you have Lockly Flex Touch/Pro or Lockly Access Touch/Pro you can issue up to 15 eBadges per month.
With LocklyOS subscription
If your Lockly is subscribed to LocklyOS, you can issue up to 999 eBadges per month depending on your subscription and Lockly model.
If you are a sub-admin / unit-owner of Smart Safe, Ingress or Vision Ingress subscribed to LocklyOS you can issue up to 36 eBadges per month depending on your available user limits.
To subscribe to LocklyOS, check out this link
To enable your eBadge, follow the instruction on this link